How to use flower essences
Don’t forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter, this month I share ways to use flower essences in a way you may not have experienced. Flower essences have been popular since gaining notoriety with the Bach essences in the 1930’s, however they are much more ancient in use dating to Egyptian times. I’m often asked how to use essences, so let’s start there!
Create an Energy Spray
Creating your own personalised energy spray is easy and versatile. Here’s a few examples of clients applying them with amazing results.
Sprayed in a negative work space for a protective barrier.
Sprayed in the bedroom to calm feelings of anxiety before bed to stop waking in the night.
Applied around a clients auric field before meeting a triggering family member.
Calming a nervous animal before a vet appointment.
Although I use several flower and vibrational essence lines including my own, I will mention the Bach essences as they are easy to obtain. Find link below to Healing Herbs, a UK based high quality essence producer of Bach flower.
Here’s a few essence combinations you might consider:
Protection and confidence in the work place: Pine, Larch & Beech
Anxiety around bedtime: Mimulus, Olive, White Chestnut
Feeling like you have no direction in life: Wild Oat, Wild Rose, Hornbeam
Struggling to settle down even though there’s not alot to worry about: Impatiens, Cerato, Olive
Taking a nervous pet to the vet: Rescue Remedy (spray on there coat or around there space prior to going)
Never prioritising self care and time for self: Centuary, Olive, Pine
There are 38 Bach essences, so there’s alot of choices. If your struggling to choose a few I suggest looking at the photos too observe what resonates with you here. Choose three to add to your spray.
Supplies required:
50 ml glass spray bottle
20 ml of vodka (preservative)
30 ml of high quality spring water
3 to 4 of your favourite essential oils
2 to 5 flower essences to support you
Mix the vodka and water in your bottle, just pour up to the shoulder edge.
Add 2 drops of each essence.
Add around 4 drops of essential oils, careful not to add too much as the mixture may become too strong in smell.
Gently shake, spray and enjoy!
Body applications
Essences can be added to face and body cream. Often these are chosen to heal specific areas of the body. This takes a bit more understanding, Dietmar Kramers book of body map zones illustrates which of Bach essence can be applied to every area of the body. Consider booking in if you don’t want DIY this as I’m trained in this area. Alternatively, consider adding three essence you resonate with to a small pot of hand or body cream. Try for three weeks and consider whether is supported your needs.
Whether you have a bath or simply a large bowl to place your feet in, essences are effective through absorption. Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Four drops into your bathing routine can work wonders!
As you can see these healers can address an infinite number of emotions and situations as well providing a number of practical uses. I encourage you to try a few of these suggestions. Let me know how you get on!